Sunday, April 16, 2017


It is amazing to me that we are a quarter of the way through 2017...Seems that year after year, the sands of time continue to disappear faster than at any time I can remember in my past. As we fill our lives from early morning to late at night, we see more, we hear more, we feel more, and we learn more at the speed of megabytes per second. Very few of you remember an automobile with a standard transmission, but back in my youth everyone had to know how to drive one, or you were out of luck for your own transportation. Usually you had 3 forward gears for family cars and 4 of them if you were a speed enthusiast like me. See if you can follow my analogy with 3 or 4 forward gears. Each has a different ratio, so you had to start with 1st gear just to break the inertia of your vehicle and get moving. It had such a high ratio that you maxed out at 15 -20 mph, and then had to shift into the power gear or 2nd gear. Second gear could easily and quickly take you to 60 or 70 mph, before you used 3rd and/or 4th gear to glide along. So now if you are coasting along and suddenly have a need for more power to pass someone, you have to down shift to the power gear ratio and floor it. As soon as you downshift, the engine revs up and can take you to the red line very fast. For me , time seems to be downshifting and flooring it, causing life itself to speed past my simple mind's capability to keep up.

As a youth, days felt like months and months felt like years. Since I behaved like a child well into my adult years, time was so slow that it literally meant nothing to me, except for those all important dates like turning 16 and 21 or graduating from high school and college. All to late in this life we finally begin to comprehend how terribly short this life really is, and how we squandered much of the time we were given by God himself. It is late in life when the temporal knowledge that you gained by experiences, both good and bad, begins to fade when compared to the river of eternal knowledge that finally begins coagulate in your soul producing your first genuine divine wisdom. For the first time in your life, God allows you to see into your own soul and into those around you. These God-given "shades," provide you a divine filter that reflects all the harmful UV rays and white noise that has not allowed you to see true from false, good from evil, light from darkness, or the din of mindless confusion, from the symphony of angels praising the King of Heaven. (Paraphrased from the end of Daniel 4.) 

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Hearing from you is certainly not a requirement. Consideration of what is researched and written is all I ask of anyone who stumbles upon my writings. I believe that my God will take it from there. With His help I try to separate fact from fiction, sense from nonsense, and ultimately clarity from chaos.

Divine Simplicity

Don't you find it curious that so many people and/or religious groups feel the necessity to predict the return of Jesus Christ or ...