Monday, February 26, 2024

Divine Simplicity

Don't you find it curious that so many people and/or religious groups feel the necessity to predict the return of Jesus Christ or for my Jewish friends, the coming of the Messiah? Every year we get someone who thinks he has figured it all out, because of biblical clues throughout the OT and the NT...You would think that after centuries of prediction, some might just give up and be content to wait.
I have watched documentaries that have been produced by the most significant scholars of our time and time past. Some think God has left cryptic messages in biblical text with alpha numeric, clandestine codes for those of us with a high enough IQ to decipher. Some swear that the "twin tower" incident was predicted thousands of years ago, along with words like, "hitler," "al-qaeda," "world war 1 & 2," etc. I suppose if you look hard enough at anything written, you can come away with some hidden meaning. The problem is that God never works in code, like a spy or in the dark, like evil. So why would He take His Word and make it more difficult for his creation to comprehend? For sure He is infinitely complex and beyond our finite mind's comprehensive capabilities, but when it comes to His children, He is like a kindergarten teacher, simple and methodical. Only when mankind gets involved does the truth seem suddenly obscure, hiding behind codes, interpretations and the wizardry of current technology.

We serve a complex, immortal being, and when He deals with this creation at all levels, He deals in divine simplicity. Take a hard look as these simple concepts, for a simple world:
  1. How SIMPLE is Salvation? "Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." No code, no cost, no dues, no legality, and no boundaries. Anyone, anywhere, at any time can be saved. We the people, make it complex by mixing in all of our preconceived notions and religious beliefs that have absolutely nothing to do with SIMPLE SALVATION.
  2. How SIMPLE is Communication? "Ask, and it shall be given unto you." We the people, call it prayer. Hands folded, on your knees at home or in your local church. Mankind has made it a ritual. Rituals by their very nature are suspect to me. I have a close-knit family. Some weeks are closer than others, but all of us communicate multiple times during each day. When my kids call, I am all ears! Usually I am thrilled to hear from them, and the older I get the more important their communication is to me. You think God, the Father is any different? He loves to hear from us, and it does not have to be a formal communication in any church or on bended knee. Talk to God for seconds or minutes, but communicate with him frequently, so much so, that it feels like you are talking to your best friend, not the Creator, himself. Communication with Him was meant to be SIMPLE and frequent. 
  3. How SIMPLE is Forgiveness? "For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more." We the people, try to make this mysterious and complicated as well. Some think you have to confess to your Priest for forgiveness. Some think you have to do some good works or donate money to get forgiveness, but none of these have ever worked throughout time. You see, Salvation is a one-time event, but forgiveness simply has to happen regularly. Without it, you have a barrier between God and your soul. Once a week or once a month is just not right. In order to walk with the Lord, you must be forgiven every day. Can you still live your life? Obviously you can do so, but not with a clear, unfettered link to God Almighty. He cannot and does not tolerate sin in our lives, even though we commit them everyday. He always sees your soul, even if you ignore Him and His Commandments for the moment. Start every communication with God by admitting your sin and asking for forgiveness, and see what an amazing difference it makes. Forgiveness was meant to be SIMPLE and frequent.
Peel back the layers of religious experience, born from centuries of twisted personal logic and religious intellectualism and find your spiritual compass, your living soul. Herein lies the magic of divine simplicity sans religious divination. In mankind's effort to be cerebral, we made God's intentions a mess of worldly religiosity.
Did you ever hear of Ockam's Razor? It is:
"a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false."

Photo # 1 is religious chaos.
Photo # 2 is God's Simplicity.

Since about 30 AD, when the scholars believe that the Christian movement began, we have had almost 2,000 years of religious complication and confusion. Like religious amoeba, whether Catholic or Protestant, we have permanently fragmented God's original intentions. Continual splitting and sub-dividing over opinionated dogma, like territorial gangs in our inner cities, has left us weak and vulnerable. Everyone has their own colors, their own qualifications and their own belief system. Whatever your religious flavor, I believe that God did not intend for us to divide over any man's interpretation of his Holy Word. We did that to ourselves, when we formed our religious "gangs." 

Fortunately, God does not have a "gang" mentality. He is not looking to divide and conquer. He is looking for someone to speak up and point out that all those years of fighting and killing, over something meant to merge us and strengthen our resolve, was never meant to fracture and weaken us into hundreds of pedantic, petty pieces. There is one true God. He was the same 6000 years ago, as he his today. So over that period of time who moved, who changed, and who splintered into thousands of pieces? It was not God. Think about all the sects and sub-divisions of every religion. Everyone who has a new interpretation, creates a new group, all in the name of progress. 

God does not want "new and improved."He wants us to simply love him with "all our heart and all our soul." While we keep changing the name of religion over millennia, he has stood solidly in place, never compromising or changing his SIMPLE requirements. Look beyond the robes, look beyond the incense, look beyond free will, look beyond predestination, and look beyond ridiculous dogma that allows the tail to wag the dog...

Communicate with God, as the Father of Creation. Communicate with Jesus, as the the ultimate blood sacrifice for your sin, and communicate with the Holy Spirit, as the one closer to you than your own skin...Let your soul commune multiple times daily in simplicity and sincerity, because that is where true Godliness and Loving-kindness abide.

The Digital Disciple

Sunday, April 16, 2017


It is amazing to me that we are a quarter of the way through 2017...Seems that year after year, the sands of time continue to disappear faster than at any time I can remember in my past. As we fill our lives from early morning to late at night, we see more, we hear more, we feel more, and we learn more at the speed of megabytes per second. Very few of you remember an automobile with a standard transmission, but back in my youth everyone had to know how to drive one, or you were out of luck for your own transportation. Usually you had 3 forward gears for family cars and 4 of them if you were a speed enthusiast like me. See if you can follow my analogy with 3 or 4 forward gears. Each has a different ratio, so you had to start with 1st gear just to break the inertia of your vehicle and get moving. It had such a high ratio that you maxed out at 15 -20 mph, and then had to shift into the power gear or 2nd gear. Second gear could easily and quickly take you to 60 or 70 mph, before you used 3rd and/or 4th gear to glide along. So now if you are coasting along and suddenly have a need for more power to pass someone, you have to down shift to the power gear ratio and floor it. As soon as you downshift, the engine revs up and can take you to the red line very fast. For me , time seems to be downshifting and flooring it, causing life itself to speed past my simple mind's capability to keep up.

As a youth, days felt like months and months felt like years. Since I behaved like a child well into my adult years, time was so slow that it literally meant nothing to me, except for those all important dates like turning 16 and 21 or graduating from high school and college. All to late in this life we finally begin to comprehend how terribly short this life really is, and how we squandered much of the time we were given by God himself. It is late in life when the temporal knowledge that you gained by experiences, both good and bad, begins to fade when compared to the river of eternal knowledge that finally begins coagulate in your soul producing your first genuine divine wisdom. For the first time in your life, God allows you to see into your own soul and into those around you. These God-given "shades," provide you a divine filter that reflects all the harmful UV rays and white noise that has not allowed you to see true from false, good from evil, light from darkness, or the din of mindless confusion, from the symphony of angels praising the King of Heaven. (Paraphrased from the end of Daniel 4.) 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Marketing in the 21st century has taken a serious turn for the worse...All you have to do is listen to the news, watch a commercial or browse the internet. No matter where you go something is being thrust in your face that makes you think you need it or should be afraid of it. Every program has an agenda, every news story is bent, twisted and exaggerated, every talk radio show claims to discuss the unadulterated truth from an unbiased perspective. They want to give you the benefit of their wisdom, because just presenting the facts and letting you form your own conclusions would be far less interesting and far less lucrative. 

The definition of success in most countries today is determined by wealth and power. No matter what your nationality or skin color, you are bombarded with highly specialized marketing that daily interrupts your ability to decide what is right and wrong in your own mind, replacing it with what you should think. This usurpation of thinking and making an informed decision based on the facts at hand is undermining more than 5000 years of recorded human history. Public opinion, lead by the merciless and relentless marketing efforts of those in a position to gain wealth and/or power, have permanently stunted the growth of independent decision making on a massive scale. Shame on us for turning victims into criminals...Shame on us for turning wrong into right...Shame on us for making black and white into gray, so that no one can discern the truth from a lie, winning from losing, guilty from innocent, beautiful from ugly, good from evil, weak from strong, or war from peace.
Our Lord's message to the people in Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea ring loudly with His opinion based on personal observation of each city. To Sardis, He says, "I see right through
your work." "You have a reputation for vigor and zest, but you're dead, stone dead." To Philadelphia, He says, "I see what you have done." "You used what you had to keep my Word." "You didn't deny me when times were tough." To Laodicea, He says, "I know you inside and out..." "You're not cold, you're not hot..." "You brag that you are rich, that you have it made, and that you need nothing from anyone." Verse 18 in Revelation 3 says, "Here's what I want from all of you:"

  1. BUY YOUR GOLD FROM ME-it's been through the refiner's fire. Then you will be rich.
  2. BUY YOUR CLOTHES FROM ME-they have been designed in Heaven, you have gone around half-naked long enough.
  3. BUY YOUR MEDICINE FROM ME-with this medicine you can see, really see.
One of the seven churches or a combination of them, spells out your life whether you like it or not. These are not my words, they are His words of truth to live by everywhere and anywhere you go from birth, through death and into eternity. You may buy some silver or gold in this world because the marketeers have stolen your attention away from God. You may have purchased your clothes at one of the many places advertised every day, and finally we all make monthly trips to fill our prescriptions, so that we can live healthier and longer, but a prescription from Jesus opens your eyes so that you can see what He does! This sight fills not just your head, but your heart and soul. Only then will the perpetual noise of this world be filtered, so that you can live with contentment, in peace and harmony with true discernment and  God-given wisdom. This identity can never be hacked, stolen or altered. Your name is "indelibly"written in the Book of Life.

Please BUY from GOD, he is open 24/7.

It starts on your knees...

God Bless,

The Digital Disciple

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


                                          FROZEN IN ICE

It's been months since my last post...I said I would be out for surgery on my left hip, and as of today my mind is clear enough to begin my study. By the way,  our Heavenly Father has made it abundantly clear to me that I am behind. My surgery on the hip was amazing. Advanced capabilities, especially on wound closure and infection reduction are light years ahead of my last hip replacement some seven years before. I will start with the positive and tell you what happened to me in the areas of pain and medication management in the O.R., the recovery area and in my room. 

While it was not funny at all during the last week of October and all of November, my family and I were run through the proverbial 
mill. The good news is that I, quite literally, lost my mind for four days, because I was accidentally given pain medications that I have been allergic to for many years. Lack of historical information and incomplete current records, caused a meltdown in the recovery room, the hospital room and the first few days in rehab. When dealing with morphine, it's close family members and synthetic derivatives, you get a Chinese fire drill of the worst kind. These medications immediately caused hallucinations 
and no pain relief. I was in surgery for less than 2 hours, but spent more than 5 hours in recovery. I was writhing in pain and screaming at the top of my lungs, while the nurses and doctors tried to relieve the pain and wake me up at the same time. Despite all my antics, I was not awake, so I missed all of the fireworks. Unfortunately, my wife did not...

                                    PARTIALLY FROZEN IN ICE

But now I am back, very late, but back! I am still in outpatient rehabilitation, but I am without most pain and now must get my strength back physically and spiritually. There are 3 more churches that Jesus, through the angel of each church, makes known His heavenly opinion of their earthly lives. If you have noticed in the first 4 churches, Jesus handed out very few compliments, and coupled caustic, excruciating judgement on how they are really deceiving, not only themselves, but also the other believers around them.

Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea are the names of the remaining cities.  Each is away from the sea with their own established trade routes that are their lifeline to the ships in the port cities. Sardis was the furthest north west. Jesus said that this group of believers had a reputation for vigor and zeal. On the surface, this sounds pretty good, so you have to look closely...You see, a reputation is something that you are known for by things you have done in the past. Jesus is saying, you started out like a rocket with the true gospel and then, once the fuel ran low, you stalled, falling back to a place before where you began. Those of you who exist in frigid climates know that as long as your vehicle is moving, it's warm and functional. If moisture sneaks in and condenses, it is likely to freeze the flow of the fuel. What happens then? Condensed moisture that freezes might seems insignificant, until you can't start the vehicle. That little bit of moisture can stop the most powerful engine in its tracks, and then the heat soon dissipates and the whole vehicle stops, frozen in time and space. 

                                    COMPLETELY FROZEN IN ICE

Spiritually the same thing happens in our lives. Jesus calls this state of Christianity, "desperate," in Revelation. Nothing started can be finished as long as your spiritual fuel line is frozen. Sometimes moisture gets in without your direct involvement. Sometimes it seeps in just a little bit at a time, as you compromise yourself and/or your God. Sometimes you are just careless with your gift from Jesus himself, causing yourself to stumble and fall. Sometimes you trip over those obstacles placed in your path by the evil one and his followers. A frozen Christian man or woman is in the words of Jesus, "desperate." You can't see, feel, touch, or smell anything. Being physically alive on the outside, yet spiritually and/or emotionally frozen solid on the inside is worse than repelling down the wrong path. Going up or down means you are still able to move and think for yourself. You can contact God at any time. If you are frozen, you are in the worst place possible in this life. Believe me, I know about this first hand!

Sardis once teemed with life and enthusiasm for their Lord and Savior. Fortunately their "freeze," did not happen instantaneously. You are not flash frozen with no hope. It always starts with that little bit of seemingly harmless moisture that initiates the process of a frozen heart and soul. If you are experiencing the chill of Sardis in your life, it's time to turn up the heat, start the fireplace and move forward for God. 

                                     THAW OUT WITH GOD

Friday, October 17, 2014


We have just competed a review of sorts for the first three Christian churches spoken to directly by Jesus himself. In each case he compliments and even praises the good, but exposes each of their soft underbellies of sin. These first 3 churches were port cities that Rome depended on for shipping and receiving everything from captured slaves to fabrics, dyes, leather and steel for weapons. Each of them brought prosperity in their own way. The world had global commerce even then..

Further inland in modern day Turkey were the last four churches, from north to south, as follows:
  1. Thyatira
  2. Sardis
  3. Philadelphia
  4. Laodecia
Thyatira was unique not only because of their thriving early church, but also because they processed the imports from the port cities discussed above. They took the dyes, especially purple, and produced colored fabrics to be made into clothing. They took the leather and made belts, sheaths, boots and anything else you can imagine. All of the remaining 4 churches were part of
Roman ingenuity and planning that brought raw materials from any where in the known world, and then processed it into finished goods ready to be sold. 

Their Christian church had many superlatives, and Jesus even called their work, "impressive."
  1. They had the LOVE.
  2. They had the FAITH.
  3. They had the SERVICE.
  4. They had the PERSISTENCE.
Lastly, they improved on these everyday. However, all of these attributes were void of the main ingredient. According to Jesus this chuch had an exemplary Christian exterior presented to the world, but there were no roots on the inside from a contrite heart, fear of God or repentance. Their underbelly was and is EXPOSED to Jesus every minute of every day, just like ours. The exterior meant little to our Lord, if the foundation of their Christianity was not genuine on the inside. Please listen to these words because they are an indictment to me, as much as you! At the end of each church Jesus writes: "Are Your Ears Awake!" 
Often in life, were can hear things, but never really pay attention, just ask my wife. During any football game on a Sunday afternoon, I generally watch at least the 1st half...Susan often talks to me from the kitchen. I can here it, but I am not paying attention to her, I am focused on the game. Consciously or subconsciously men and women, "turn a deaf ear" and are only truly AWAKE to the sounds of football. Jesus receives the same deaf ear and lack of attention from us. He talks, and it goes in one ear and out the other, while we pay attention to what really has our full attention, like Balaam, Jezebel and the Nicolaitans in their day. Our God given tympanic membrane (ear drum), when vibrated by any sound, including speech, sends the signal to the inner ear, where it is interpolated and sent to the brain. When we are not listening to Jesus, just like my wife, it goes in my ear, but never makes it to my brain, because my brain is otherwise occupied. Jesus is relegated to vying for time within our brain everyday, but fortunately God's grace is sufficient.

So the question for us is, why do we not hear when Jesus speaks? We have discussed the analogous distractions above and in prior posts, but how are they related directly to those Christians in 96 AD. Those examples on their own don't mean to the average Christian today, except once in a great while my parents or grandparents would call someone a "Jezebel." Interesting that the stigma of that name still has meaning today. So the question remains, why do we not hear? (As an aside, what also scares me is the fact that many of us in 2014 don't really SEE or FEEL much either.) The answer is focus...Your focus, just like mine remains on those things we deem vital to us right now, in this life and on this earth. They are FIRST. Until your focus changes and makes God first, you have little to no chance of hearing what is in God's Word, whether your read it, study it or even memorize it. You also have little chance to hear your own conscience or your heart with all the noise in our lives. It's there, but even, "the still, small voice," gets muffled.
Thyratira was a bustling city. Jobs were plentiful and life was good. The church for all intents was a model of Christianity, because even Jesus recognized it from Heaven. So what's wrong with this beautiful and loving church? Ever hear of an X-ray? It's a high powered jet stream of gamma radiation that can literally see through your skin, flesh and blood to see what's inside! If you have a broken bone, an X-ray will enable a doctor to see the damage, because it cannot be seen with the naked eye unless you are Superman. Come to think of it, Superman is a good analogy, because he had X-ray Vision. He could see through walls and pretty much anything else. Now take your vision and add X-ray capability to your eyes, you get a weak approximation of how our Lord looks at everyone of us, every day. The inner workings of your soul are visible to him, just like the X-ray. If you are laying down watching TV or sleeping, he would see your perfect, but lazy self on the couch from the inside first. Now this is deep, so "hear" me when I tell you that Jesus does not rely on what's happening on your outside, including all of the good you have done for the church, for the widowed and for orphans or strangers. He died for what is on the inside of the people of God, the inside! Our souls cannot be white on the outside and black on the inside. That is where it counts NOW, wherever you live, wherever you work, and wherever you sin. Jezebel sinned by adultery and teaching free love. She caused early Christians to fail Jesus by teaching them, as their "prophetess" that they can defile themselves in the world of unmarried sex, without consequence . We thought free love was invented in the 60's...Not so, it's been around for thousands of years. 

The Nicolaitans took it one evil step further, by adding non-Christian doctrine and new idols of worship into saved people's belief system. Underneath Thyatira's beautiful, safe and discreet religious umbrella, sin slowly crept in, one small toleration at a time. Once you try on sin and have no immediate repercussion, it begins to feel good; and then you rationalize it to make it legitimate in your own mind. Having been there myself, you may not give up your salvation, but you certainly become tainted in the eyes of God and worthless in the fight against evil in this world, including the winning of the hearts and souls of others. The GRACE of our God is the only thing keeping you or anyone from immediate consequences; however, without repentance, it will come soon and so will He.

My surgery is next week, so I will be down until around Thanksgiving. FOCUS on Jesus and STOP rationalizing evil. Make God more important in your life than the TV, the computer or the book. It is the only way to break the cycle of sin that Satan deftly slides into your world. 

The Digital Disciple

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


                                          MEANT TO BE READ OUT LOUD      
Interestingly I started this post several weeks ago; however, it had vanished when I opened it up today to continue. I had several paragraphs completed and was ready to finish it, but I had to start over. During this last week I found some new resources devoted to the Book of Revelation, that are frankly incredible. These important books will become a big part of my future research. They are filled with amazing clarity from two different men whose vast knowledge and unique interpretation of every key word provides an additional level of knowledge, so that conclusions drawn can be more accurate. Clarity is always in the eye of the beholder, but intellectually honest translation with no hidden agenda is rare. Not only do they provide an educated opinion of their own, but they also provide the historical context. From my vantage point, their views are didactic and filled with deep expository accuracy. The actual words of our God, in the Word of God, provide not only an amazingly powerful tool, but also insight into what our Lord has on his mind. In fact, in Revelation the Word of God is pictured as a two-edge sword.
                                     THE WORD OF GOD IS LIKE A TWO-EDGED SWORD

This was the most popular sword in the world at that time, because it was strong, sharp and symmetrically steady. In John's lifetime, this Roman sword was superior to all others. No matter the parry or thrust, this weapon could quickly cut left and then right, slash from any angle or lethally stab. It could be wielded with reckless abandon or precisely guided for maximum damage. This same sword could save or protect it's owner from certain death. John saw this two-edged sword coming out of the mouth of our Lord. Whether that vision was being described as an analogy or a literal divine sword, you come away knowing the Word of God's absolute power and infinite protection, physically, emotionally or spiritually. 

Today we have two-thousand years of sword making history, but even the infamous samurai sword not as sharp the pointed "V" at the tip of the sword that resembles a dual-edged scalpel today. I bring this up because despite the Word of God's power to cut, slash, or thrust, it could also be used as a scalpel to meticulously penetrate any individual heart or soul. By the way, this spiritual surgery can cut on the way in and cauterize on the way out, while simultaneously providing comfort to the weary, strength to the weak, shelter for the fallen and salvation to the lost.

                                     EVERY PAGE IS POWERED BY GOD      
Revelation 2:12, written to those in Pergamos begins with the reminder from the Angel to John, that the words of Jesus flow out of his mouth like a sword from its scabbard, and that what follows must be presented to the Pergamos church perfectly as directed. There is a lesson here for all of us... Each word from God is powerful and protective. Each word can cut out your sin, whether past, present or future, healing you as He molds you according to his divine plan not only your responsibilities in this life, but also the next.

The best example I can think of is my pending surgery. I will be having my left hip replaced at the end of the month. My surgeon with a set of scalpels will pierce deep to excise the damaged joint, just like the Word of God repairing your soul. Both can mend the problem, but leave a scar. I will carry this scar permanently, and it will remind me what had to be done for me to walk again. God will leave a scar in your conscience to remind you what had to be done for you to walk with Him again.

                                                                                        GOD KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE
Jesus said, "I see where you live, and I know what you do for a living." Unfortunately, it is right under Satan's throne. These true believers were holding on boldly to the name of Jesus, but allowed themselves to be right smack in the middle of the crowd that believed in Balaam, who was an "an enemy agent." He tricked Balak into throwing "unholy" parties on their pilgrimage. They also socialized with the Nicolaitans. They mixed their belief in Jesus with the doctrines of evil, right under the nose of Satan. Those believers were rendered ineffective for God, and God said, "ENOUGH!" You cannot ever take one part Jesus, one part Balaam and one part Nicolaitans and try to mix them...Take a look at your church and what is condones. Is it under the seat of Satan, making the true believers ineffective and basically useless to their God? If Satan and all that this life has to offer cannot cause you to recant, the evil one will settle for making you permanently impotent in the eyes of Jesus.
                                                                         THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO STAY THE COURSE               
If you, your church, your family, your friends and neighbors are caught up in this type of religious triangle, recognize it, admit it, and then change it. God knows that many have tried. It is NOT easy, but he promises you the "hidden manna" and a "smooth white stone" with your new name in Christ inscribed, and it's only for your eyes to see!!

Ever hear of the "hidden manna?" or the "white stone." Consider that for centuries manna fed the Hebrew nation and kept them alive, especially in the desert. If you recall, even when they got fresh manna daily for every person, some tried to steal it, some tried to hoard it and others just go so used to God feeding them, they expected it every day. In return God was never even thanked. "Hidden manna," was not for everyone, and we do not know if it was actually physical food. We know that there was a spot for it beside the altar in the inner chamber. The "Beit HaElohim,"or the House of God was a long hall, shaped like a rectangle, with the Ark of the Covenant at the rear. Entrance was only for the House of Levi at the beginning and later only Priests. It was where God actually had a presence. Special manna my not have been bread at all, in fact, I believe it has more to do with being fed spiritually, rather than physically. A special stone was used in ancient days as a gift to someone who had performed in some special way, above and beyond the call of duty. It was common for soldiers and gladiators to receive these for their victories. This stone could be any smooth stone, because the preciousness of the gift was in the engraving. Only you would be able to see and know your name in the next life, and you would be the only one to know until you entered his Kingdom.

God knows we tolerate sin in our lives. He also knows that we associate with others who believe in other gods that will eventually infect us over time. Balaam pushed the powers of lust and libation and the Nicolaitans did that too, as well as changed immutable doctrine about our Lord and Savior. When Jesus uses the word, "hate," we should stand up and take notice, without question. Too much fraternizing with the "enemies of God," can prove to be eternally fatal...If you want the hidden manna and the inscribed stone, you will gather everyone you know and love, while plotting another course.

                                         THE SUPREME TWO-EDGED SWORD

God bless our continued understanding...

The Digital Disciple

Thursday, August 21, 2014


We remain knee deep in the early chapters of Revelation. I am purposely going slowly, so that both of us can savor the words of Jesus to the seven early churches. Each church is being held up to the light, and our Lord and Savior is evaluating their performance. Each one has their list of positives, and their list of negatives. These words are POWERFUL, deserving extra time and commitment to fully understand. All scripture has a level of difficulty, because we will never understand the nuances of Hebrew or Greek. Most of us have a hard enough time understanding the nuances of each mother tongue that we represent, making it easy for charlatans to manipulate the meaning and application of translation. Every time a man tries to interject "new" meaning or change the pillars of our faith, beware! Even if you are a new convert,  God has special, individual plans for your life. Here are just a few to stimulate divine enthusiasm:
  1. God Almighty has selected you by having Jesus and the Holy Spirit work a miracle inside of you. Your soul that was black and destined to be controlled by Satan has forever been made white and pure. Our reaction to that event was like winning a lottery, but over time it begins to fade and needs to be stimulated by the Word of God and prayer.
  2. Since you won the lottery, because of your belief and acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are forever special. 
  3. The words that John of Patmos wrote in Revelation are direct, hard-hitting and individualized by church. God even sent an angel to oversee the process, so that is was done exactly correct. When I proof-read my posts, I read them out loud, then I double check with spell check and triple check with grammar check. Even then my lovely wife finds my errors, usually after I have published it.
  4. When Jesus is quoted in other parts of the Bible like the Gospels, it is the inspired Word of God for sure; however, in the Book of Revelation God sends an angel to do all the checking. For some reason, maybe the complexity and intricacy of the vision this passage is made from  incredibly precious words. 
We already discussed the Church in Ephesus two posts ago, so we are now ready for Smyrna. To find this on a map, you need to know that this city is present day Izmir, located in Turkey. Smyrna was a port city and was prosperous for the time, and yet the Christian community was extremely poor. Jesus said they had endured suffering, slandering and were subjected to Jews that were pretenders. Jesus even says that these Jews belonged to "The Synagogue of Satan." If that wasn't enough Jesus says that there is much more suffering ahead for them. Specifically he says that some of them will be put in prison for 10 days by the "devil", making this a kind of a prophecy inside a prophecy. Jesus then says that if they remain faithful, "even unto death," that each will receive a special crown of life, and with this crown all the "faithful" will not, "be hurt at all by the second death."

Ephesus was told that they lost the zeal and zest from the early days of their salvation. They were walking down the path of righteousness, but there was no spring in their step, proving that just walking and talking is not enough for our Lord. To be a complete example internally and externally, you have feel the joy, fear the Lord and openly give him the glory. When the newness of their salvation wore off, they lost their mojo. Jesus is telling them that mindless routines in our Christian walk with lead to complacency and compromise. If we religiously tread water instead of swimming with gusto, we will eventually damage ourselves and our Lord. Blind lethargy is what shakes out when Smyrna is evaluated by God. Jesus does not count your appearances in church or the number of time you pray. He is all about quality, not quantity. One prayer from the heart will always trump 10 prayers born of habit.
Ephesus lost its mojo, and Smyrna was headed for more suffering and slander. Back then Jesus was teaching and prophesying to all of the believers in the early church. My personal opinion is that all seven of these churches received distinctive exhortations by God for more than one reason. Jesus knew that they were just as apropo then as now. Every believer past, present and future needs this divine medicine. It is apparent that everything told to these 7 churches was to provide insight for the ages. John says, that he saw the "seven golden lamp-stands" surrounding our Lord, "even as he sat on his throne." What a privileged sight to behold!!

If you don't have anything in common with these early churches, you have missed the point...Believe me, God was talking to all the believers then, as well as all believers to follow over the centuries. It includes all the believers suffering in Iraq, it includes all those believers slaughtered in Nigeria, it includes all the believers in war torn Ukraine, and it includes every military believer around the globe, who must wonder when all the bloodshed will end. It includes the rich, the poor, the homeless, the persecuted, the slandered, and those being ridiculed each day for their faith. I guarantee that Jesus sees not only what you are doing on the outside, but knows the truth of every motive, feeling and emotion on the inside. He knew that that the believers of Ephesus had lost their mojo, just like he knows each of us at a level we cannot comprehend, and he promises that if you persevere and remain faithful, you will not feel the sting of death. Below is a synopsis of each of these Roman churches that date back to 300-400 AD.
  1. Ephesus – The desirable church that left its first love (Revelation 2:1-7). Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches and ruins.
  2. Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8-11). Smyrna was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern Turkish city of Izmir.
  3. Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev 2:12-17). Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC, and became a Greek and Roman hub for temple worship.
  4. Thyatira – The false church that followed a seductive prophetess (Rev 2:18-29). Thyatira is located in western Asia Minor about 42 miles inland from the Aegean Sea. The ancient city was known for its textiles and dyeing trade, and is now known as the Turkish city of Akhisar.
  5. Sardis – The "dead" church that fell asleep (Revelation 3:1-6). Sardis is located on the banks of the Pactolus River in western Asia Minor, 60 miles inland from Ephesus and Smyrna. Popular ruins include the decadent temples and bath house complexes.
  6. Philadelphia – The church of brotherly love that endures patiently (Revelation 3:7-13). Philadelphia is located on the Cogamis River in western Asia Minor, about 80 miles east of Smyrna. Philadelphia was known for its variety of temples and worship centers.
  7. Laodicea – The "lukewarm" church with a faith that’s neither hot nor cold (Rev 3:14-22). Laodicea is located in the Lycus River Valley of western Asia Minor, a primary trade route between the cultures of the West and East. Laodicea was known as a primary hub for the Roman aqueduct system.

Next up will be the church at Pergamum. This is the church that accepted the "Nicolaitans" and allowed them to infiltrate their congregation of believers. You might call this the first unitarian or universal church, because they shared the beliefs of all religions.

May we learn that our walk on God's path not only needs discipline, strength and endurance for all of the challenges ahead, but that it must remain fresh with plenty of enthusiasm, joy and happiness. You know if you are on the path he has laid out for you, but only God and you know what really going on inside. The world will know if in addition to what you say, you remain enthusiastic when you are persecuted, full of joy because you are never alone, and happy knowing that you will pass from this world to the next in the blink of an eye.

The Digital Disciple

  1. 1. Ephesus – The desirable church that left its first love (Revelation 2:1-7). Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches and ruins.
  2. 2. Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8-11). Smyrna was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern Turkish city of Izmir.
  3. 3. Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev 2:12-17). Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC, and became a Greek and Roman hub for temple worship.
  4. 4. Thyatira – The false church that followed a seductive prophetess (Rev 2:18-29). Thyatira is located in western Asia Minor about 42 miles inland from the Aegean Sea. The ancient city was known for its textiles and dyeing trade, and is now known as the Turkish city of Akhisar.
  5. 5. Sardis – The "dead" church that fell asleep (Revelation 3:1-6). Sardis is located on the banks of the Pactolus River in western Asia Minor, 60 miles inland from Ephesus and Smyrna. Popular ruins include the decadent temples and bath house complexes.
  6. 6. Philadelphia – The church of brotherly love that endures patiently (Revelation 3:7-13). Philadelphia is located on the Cogamis River in western Asia Minor, about 80 miles east of Smyrna. Philadelphia was known for its variety of temples and worship centers.
  7. 7. Laodicea – The "lukewarm" church with a faith that’s neither hot nor cold (Rev 3:14-22). Laodicea is located in the Lycus River Valley of western Asia Minor, a primary trade route between the cultures of the West and East. Laodicea was known as a primary hub for the Roman aqueduct system.

Divine Simplicity

Don't you find it curious that so many people and/or religious groups feel the necessity to predict the return of Jesus Christ or ...